Benjamin F. Edwards Equity Portfolios

Our Equity portfolios provide investors with a professionally managed account of individual stock positions. Edwards serves as the portfolio manager relieving you of the stress of knowing when to buy, sell or hold an individual stock.

EDGE 40: Our inaugural EDGE 40 strategy (Edwards Dividend Growth Equity) focuses on U.S. stocks with three primary characteristics: quality, growth, and an investor-friendly dividend policy. This portfolio holds 40 individual stocks.  EDGE 40 is constructed using a quantitative factor model that the investment team relies on to screen potential investments. The Edwards team also employs a qualitative overlay to ensure proper diversification and prudent portfolio management practices. The strategy is benchmarked to the S&P 500 and its sector allocations align with this benchmark.  With EDGE 40, you have access to a cost-sensitive, high quality diversified portfolio of dividend-paying stocks. EDGE 40 has the potential to achieve long-term capital appreciation while also generating cash flow. Account Minimum: $40,000.

VIP 40: Our VIP 40 strategy (Value Income Portfolio) focuses on stocks with three primary characteristics: quality, relative valuation, and income generation potential. This portfolio holds 40 individual stocks. VIP 40 is constructed using a quantitative factor model that the investment team relies on to screen potential investments. The Edwards team also employs a qualitative overlay to ensure proper diversification and prudent portfolio management practices. The strategy is benchmarked to the Russell 1000 Value Index and its sector allocations align with this benchmark. With VIP 40, you have access to a value-oriented portfolio of high-quality stocks with strong income generation potential. Account Minimum: $40,000.

GAP 40: Our Gap 40 strategy (Growth Appreciation Portfolio) focuses on stocks with three primary characteristics: quality, growth, and relative valuation. This portfolio holds 40 individual stocks. GAP 40 is constructed using a quantitative factor model that the investment team relies on to screen potential investments. The Edwards team also employs a qualitative overlay to ensure proper diversification and prudent portfolio management practices. The strategy is benchmarked to the Russell 1000 Growth Index. With GAP 40, you have access to a growth-oriented portfolio of high-quality individual stocks. Account Minimum: $40,000.

CORE 40: Our CORE 40 strategy focuses on stocks with three primary characteristics: quality, growth, and relative valuation. This portfolio holds 40 individual stocks. CORE 40 is constructed using a quantitative factor model that the investment team relies on to screen potential investments. The Edwards team also employs a qualitative overlay to ensure proper diversification and prudent portfolio management practices. The strategy is benchmarked to the S&P 500 Index. With CORE 40, you have access to a blend of value and growth-oriented securities with a focus on quality, return on capital, and growing earnings per share. Account Minimum: $40,000.