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Caution: Panic Can Be Infectious

By Pete Biebel, Senior Vice President

Don’t let this week’s market headlines strike panic.  If you consider percentages vs. points, the SARS virus and 9/11 triggered 12-13% corrections in the market and that is roughly the percentage pullback we’ve had to date.  We urge you to resist the urge to sell now.  We don’t know if the next news on the coronavirus will be positive i.e. things are getting under control or negative, i.e. death rates are increasing etc.…   Regardless, liquidating equity positions during volatile market conditions puts investors in the very precarious position of timing the market.  History has shown that average investors who panic and close-out positions usually will be afraid to make a timely return; they miss out on potential upside when the market rebounds.  Remain calm and think long term.

As we noted in our market commentary last Monday, “The markets can be callously ignorant of the number of fatalities in any given worldwide disaster, but when it starts to impact economic growth and corporate profits, the markets care deeply.”

We offer these thoughts on the market’s current state…